I AM Grace Overflowing

And God is able to make all grace overflow to you, so that, always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed;

2 Corinthians 9:8

Upcoming Events!

I AM Grace Overflowing Event

  • Men’s Bible Study

    Join us for our new Men’s Bible Study on Saturdays at 8 am.  Coffee and goodies will be provided.  They will meet on January 18th & 25th.


    Many of us will be making New Year’s resolutions in an attempt to improve parts of our life.  Maybe as part of that you will renew your membership at the gym.  This New Year, we will take a look at the way God renews our life.  Join us each week as we take a look at the new life we have in Christ.

                 January 12—Renewed Spirit

                 January 19—Renewed Purpose

                 January 26—Renewed Love


  • RAMSEY PLUS - Discover the plan to dump debt for good, save for emergencies, and have confidence for your future.  Learn how to reach your money goals faster with Financial Peace University.  Use our budgeting tool, EveryDollar, to take control of your money.  And track your progress and hit your money goals faster with the BabySteps app.  Start your free Ramsey+ membership today!            Click here to Register
  • Feeling overwhelmed by debt?  Trying to get out from under the bills?  Hoping to save more for the future?  Many people feel trapped by finances, but there is help.  Financial Peace University has helped millions of people to achieve financial freedom.  Join us for this nine-week class starting February 8 at 6:30 pm.  In addition to the class you will also have access to Ramsey +, an online collection of financial resources to help you with whatever you may be struggling with.  To register  for the class and get more information about the online resources Sign up here or contact the church office at 217-222-8579.



Beginning in January 2021 we set out to encourage members of our community and our church family to be I Am Grace Overflowing. We invite you to join us in these weekly challenges!

Celebrate Abundance: We recognize the bread of life and the abundance he provides. Your challenge is to celebrate abundance by writing down your blessings, sit with your family and share what you are thankful for, or end your day in a prayer of thanks!

Make Connections: We remember The Vine and realize the grace we receive when connected to Christ. Make a connection by posting your favorite bible verse at home or work to read it daily, spend an extra 5 minutes in God's work this week, use a prayer journal to remind you of prayer requests.

Follow the Shepherd: We follow the shepherd as we recognize we're part of a larger flock, help care for the flock by reaching out to a member of the church you haven't seen for a while to say hi, visit with someone at church you don't know well, or update your directory information in the new online directory.

Shine the Light: We are called to share His light with others. Your challenge is to bring light to your neighborhood by shoveling snow, dropping off homemade cookies, help run an errand or watch the kids.

Grocery Store Grace: Let's thank the grocery store workers that work hard to serve our families. Buy a treat for your checker, take minute to thanks the stocker or other employee, help a customer with groceries, let someone cut the line in front of you.

Loving the Lonely: The social distancing of COVID has caused many to feel isolated and alone. Reach out to someone you know who may be lonely or isolated by sending them a card (church office can provide names), or make a treat bag and drop them off at nursing home or home-bound friends.

Window Work: Everyday of our lives we spend time looking out a window (car. home), brighten someone's day offering to wash someone's car windows the next time you get gas, or leave a note of encouragement on a windshield of a friend or stranger.